Here is a video from Javazone, where some useful Java libraries are mentioned: 02:30 xbean-finder : Annotation finder in jars. 03:50 shrinkwrap: Can download artifacts from Maven repo. 05:50 zt-zip : zip file utils from Zeroturnaround. 07:25 Airline: command line parser helper. 10:30 really-executable-jars-maven-plugin: makes self-extracting jars. 12:00 jansi : colorized command line. 13:30 jmxutils : JMX beans by annotations. 15:00 Feign : HTTP helper / annotation lib. OkHttp is also mentioned. 17:20 Jerry / Lagarto : JQuery-style selectors in Java. 20:00 jchronic : converting English free-text to time. 21:40 assertj: fluent interface for asserts in unit tests. 23:10 vtte : very trivial template engine. 24:45 tape : a collection of queue-related classes for Android. 26:10 connector/mxj (GPL): mysql helper. 28:10 ness-pg-embedded: prostgresql helper. 29:10 slice: effective off-heap memory helper tool instead of ByteBuffers. 32:20 paranamer : named params in java fro...