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Showing posts from May, 2009

JUM VIII. - IX. - X.

In the recent months there were a few Java-related microconferences organized at Budapest. At the eighth occassion of the Java User Meeting (JUM) in January we had a presentation about OSGi by local guys and about Flex by Cornel Creanga from the Romanian Adobe office. I've read his blog and I must say life of an evangelist can be very cool (if there's no wife or girlfriend:)). Visiting Java and Adobe user groups all around in Europe, it's great. At the ninth occasion in March we had three presentations: introduction to the Maven build system, SOAP testing with SOAPui and various other components, and OLAP architectures. The latter was driven by the magnificant prezi presentation engine, which is a very young Hungarian startup project and which will be introduced soon at the Silicon Walley and I'm sure it will have a great success. Otherwise, I guess this time we beat down the highest participant number with about 40 attendees. At the tenth occassion we had a pr...