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Showing posts from November, 2007

Wicket vs JSF

This post is the translation of the writing (Hungarian) from my other blog with the identical title. In the recent months I had the pleasure to get acquainted with Wicket and JSF which are both servlet-based web technology frameworks with identical position and purpose. A Wicket presentation was also organized by Hungarian Javafórum guys at the summer, but unfortunately, I couldn't attend on it. JSF is part of the J2EE standard, Wicket is a Sourceforge-project which has joined to the Apache Foundation some months ago. Wicket means the implementation itself, while JSF is just a specification with a reference implementation and some real implementations. I met Tomahawk among real implementations, which is also related to Apache. Wicket uses HTML markup with wicket tags which are replaced to real HTML components in rendering time on the server-side. (Similar to Dojo with the difference, that Dojo replaces components on the client side.) JSF is taglib-based. We used Facelets w...